Alongside a full-time corporate professional career, Deepa has been creatively indulged in a few activities – painting and sketching being one of her passions. Living in London, she is a data and information strategist and works in the business intelligence domain.

Her background in Telcom engineering and Management post graduate, Six-Sigma blackbelt, TOGAF and several other professional credentials have offered her to work for some prestigious corporate organisations. She has delivered some keynote speeches, consulting sessions and seminar presentations as a part of her professional journey.

An avid yoga practitioner and an enthusiastic cuisine lover (creating as well as consuming), Deepa has been close to arts and aesthetics right from her childhood.

The quest for exploring artistic artefacts and appreciating the creativity has taken her to places round the globe. Deepa also has a great affinity to music and photography. Her brush strokes and pencil sketches reflect abstract as well as real life subjects and display a style that symbolises her “vision” into the life around us.